Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Navigating Health and Safety Compliance

The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 require employers to put in place arrangements to control health and safety risks.

As an employer, you must appoint someone competent to help you meet your health and safety duties. A competent person is someone with the necessary skills, knowledge and experience to manage health and safety. You could appoint (one or a combination of):

  • Yourself
  • One or more of your workers
  • Someone from outside your business

A business should undergo a Risk Profile to ensure that the risks the organisation faces are known, that they are ranked and actions to control them are put in place.

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It is recommended that a formal management system is put in place to assist in the management of Health & Safety. Successful delivery of a management system with processes and procedures can rarely be achieved by one-off assessments.
A sustained and systematic approach is recommended to ensure that both legal and company requirements are met.

Using our SMART methodology we work closely with business owners and their appointed Health and Safety representative, following a Plan, Do, Check, Act approach to delivering results.

If you don’t have someone controlling your health and safety in the workplace, our retained health and safety advisory service can fulfil the requirement. Many companies do not have the resources to employ or allocate time to a full-time safety advisor, by engaging our retained service we provide peace of mind that your organisation is meeting both its legal requirements and ensuring that the correct health and safety practices and procedures are in place.

Our team of trained advisors can advise on both the regulatory requirements and best practices for your specific business and location.

Conforming to Health and Safety regulations does not mean that you will be drowned in paperwork. We will create the key documents that you will require to meet both current legislation and your workplace.

We make sure that the risks identified in the Risk Assessment are clearly documented and communicated.

Supporting documents for items such as incident reporting and risk identification can be included within the documents created. To find out more on how our team can help you, please contact us.

“There is a need for a sensible and proportionate approach to risk management, in short, a balanced approach, this means ensuring that paperwork is proportionate, does not get in the way of doing the job and it certainly does not mean risk elimination at all costs”.

– Judith Hackitt, HSE Chair